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Exhibition opening: 1974 – Abba, Football, Energy Crisis

Bild zur Ausstellung "1974 - Abba, Fußball, Energiekrise". Zu sehen sind eine Plattencover, ein Plakat der Fußballweltmeisterschaft, eine Playmobilfigur

17. March 2024, 11:00 - 13:00

ADMISSION PRICES (To price list)

Adults: 11,00 €
Kids: 1,00 €
Family: 22,00 €

The year the Hessenpark Open Air Museum was founded

The oil crisis has a lasting effect on everyday life and the economy. The first VW Golf rolls off the production line. ABBA wins the Eurovision Song Contest with “Waterloo”. Protest movements for women’s rights and environmental issues are in full swing. The German national football team brings home the World Cup. To mark the museum’s 50th anniversary, this exhibition takes a look at the year it was founded. What got people talking in 1974? Which topics were socially relevant then and how are they faring now?

Standort im Hessenpark

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