Print Shop

At the print shop, you can watch almost 100-year-old printing machines at work and learn everything you need to know about printing. Our volunteers demonstrate different printing techniques such as hand-set letterpress printing, machine and phototype setting as well as bookbinding. Here you are given a lively and hands-on introduction into printing technologies and their development which are nowadays rarely to be seen practiced in our digitalised world.
The core collection of printing machines and other furnishings stems from the liquidation of the print shop Druckerei Lang in Friedberg (Hesse), whose offices were the model for installing the print shop at the House from Melgershausen. Together with further acquisitions, the presses and machines were restored by experts who arranged them to a full functioning print shop.
Today, the print shop continues to produce documents or posters for events at the Hessenpark Open Air Museum, for instance, print jobs for our children’s birthday parties offering.
Heidelberger Tiegel

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